Source: lib/utils.js

 * @module utils
 * @description
 * SDK Utilities, used internally.

"use strict";

// module exports
exports = module.exports = {
    addQueries: addQueries,
    allowOptionalParams: allowOptionalParams,
    getOptions: getOptions,
    getAuthOptions: getAuthOptions,
    getURIOptions: getURIOptions,
    createTimestamp: createTimestamp,
    getPollerOptions: getPollerOptions,
    getProxy: getProxy,
    parseResponse: parseResponse,
    passResponse: passResponse,
    pickParams: pickParams,
    request: request,
    removeAuthOptions: removeAuthOptions,
    removeOptions: removeOptions,
    removeURIOptions: removeURIOptions,
    setProxy: setProxy,
    setup: setup,
    shuffleArray: shuffleArray,
    sortKeys: sortKeys,
    url: url,

// npm-installed modules
var _ = require("lodash");
var decamelize = require("decamelize");
var errors = require("common-errors");
var rawRequest = require("request");
var URI = require("urijs");

// own modules
var config = require("../config");

// module variables
var SETTINGS = _.cloneDeep(config);
var uriKeys = ["proxy"];
var authKeys = ["key", "secret"];
var pollerKeys = ["interval"];

 * Return a custom request object
 * @public
 * @return {Object} request object
function request() {
    return rawRequest.defaults(SETTINGS.request);

 * Set the SDK settings
 * @public
 * @param {SETTINGS} settings - new SDK settings
 * @return {Object} the newly-set SDK settings
function setup(settings) {
    if (!settings) {
        return _.cloneDeep(SETTINGS);
    _.merge(SETTINGS, settings);
    return _.cloneDeep(SETTINGS);

 * Setting up proxy for the whole SDK
 * @public
 * @param {String} proxy - a valid url
function setProxy(proxy) {
    SETTINGS.proxy = proxy;
    return SETTINGS.proxy;

 * Return the currently set proxy
 * @public
 * @return {String} the set proxy url
function getProxy() {
    return SETTINGS.proxy;

 * Return an URI object (from URI.js) for easier URL building.
 * @public
 * @see for docs on URI.js
 * @param {String} [label] label - identifying the URL.
 * @param {Object} [options] options - options to be used
 * @return {URI} an instance of URI.js
function url(label, options) {
    switch (label) {
    case "bannerAdverts":
        return url(options).segment("bannerads");
    case "contactUs":
        return url(options).segment("contactus");
    case "countries":
        return url(options).segment("countries");
    case "directions":
        return url(options).segment("directions");
    case "drivingReports":
        return url(options).segment("drivingreports");
    case "driveTypes":
        return url(options).segment("drivetypes");
    case "externalStream":
        return url(options).segment("externalstream");
    case "listedAdverts":
        return url(options).segment("ads");
    case "news":
        return url(options).segment("news");
    case "places":
        return url(options).segment("places");
    case "severity":
        return url(options).segment("severities");
    case "sseDrivingReports":
        return url(options).segment("ssedrivingreports");
    case "sseTrafficUpdates":
        return url(options).segment("ssetrafficupdates");
    case "towns":
        return url(options).segment("towns");
    case "trafficUpdates":
        return url(options).segment("trafficupdates");
    case "users":
        return url(options).segment("users");
        var topLevel = SETTINGS.proxy || SETTINGS.baseurl;
        options = options || { };
        if (label && typeof label === "object") {
            options = label;
            label = null;
        topLevel = options.proxy || topLevel;
        var uri = URI(topLevel);
        if (label) return uri.segment(label);
        return uri;

 * Shuffles items in an array
 * Operation takes O(n) time. The array passed is operated on as its
 * reference, rather than value, is passed to the function.
 * @public
 * @param {Array} array - an array of items
 * @return {Array} array with the the items shuffled
function shuffleArray(array){
    var length = array.length;
    var randomIndex;
    var currentIndex = 0;
    var tmp;
    for (; currentIndex < length; currentIndex++) {
        randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * length);
        tmp = array[currentIndex];
        array[currentIndex] = array[randomIndex];
        array[randomIndex] = tmp;
    return array;

 * Generate a UNIX timestamp
 * @public
 * @return {Number} UNIX timestamp
function createTimestamp() {

 * Return a sorted array of an object's keys
 * @public
 * @param {Object} object - an object
 * @return {Array} array of sorted keys
function sortKeys(object) {
    var keys = _.keys(object);
    return keys.sort();

 * Add properties to response
 * @private
 * @see {@link}
 * @param {Object} response - as from the `request` module
 * @return {Object} the originally passed but modified reponse
function parseResponse(response) {
    var code = response.statusCode;
    var type = code / 100 | 0;
    response.type = type;

    // basics
    switch (type) {
    case 1: = type;
    case 2:
        response.ok = type;
    case 3:
        // ???
    case 4:
        response.clientError = type;
        response.error = type;
        response.ErrorClass = errors.HttpStatusError;
    case 5:
        response.serverError = type;
        response.error = type;
        response.ErrorClass = errors.HttpStatusError;

    // error classes and sugar
    switch (code) {
    case 201:
        response.created = code;
    case 202:
        response.accepted = code;
    case 204:
        response.noContent = code;
    case 400:
        response.badRequest = code;
    case 401:
        response.unauthorized = code;
        response.ErrorClass = errors.AuthenticationRequiredError;
    case 403:
        response.forbidden = code;
        response.ErrorClass = errors.NotPermittedError;
    case 404:
        response.notFound = code;
        response.ErrorClass = errors.NotFoundError;
    case 406:
        response.notAcceptable = code;
    case 500:
        response.internalServerError = code;

    // using body (and not status code)
    if (response.body && response.body.success === false) {
        if (!response.error) {
            response.error = 4; // assume is client error
            response.ErrorClass = errors.HttpStatusError;

    // null bodies
    if (_.includes([null, undefined, ""], response.body)) {
        if (!response.error) {
            response.error = 5; // assume the server fucked up
            response.ErrorClass = errors.HttpStatusError;

    return response;

 * Parse response then pass to callback
 * @public
 * @param {Function} callback - user's callback
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {Boolean} [] - callback is for a POST request
 * @param {Boolean} [options.put] - callback is for a PUT request
 * @return {Function} function to handle responses from `request` calls
function passResponse(callback, options) {
    options = options || {};
    return function handleResponse(error, response, body) {
        if (error) {
            return callback(new, error));
        response = parseResponse(response);
        body = body || { };
        if (response.error) {
            var message = response.body ? response.body.message : "received an empty body";
            var err = new response.ErrorClass(response.statusCode, message);
            if ( || options.put) return callback(err, body, response);
            return callback(err,, body.meta, response);
        if ( || options.put) return callback(null, body, response);
        return callback(null,, body.meta, response);

 * Append querystring using key-value pairs from an object.
 * If a key exists both in the uri object and params, the one
 * in the uri object will be replaced. Any camelcased key is
 * automatically converted to lowercase with underscore separators.
 * Some keys can be excluded automatically. They include: secret.
 * @public
 * @param {URI} uri - an instance of URIjs
 * @param {Object} params - object with parameters
 * @param {Boolean} [toExclude=true] - whether to exclude keys automatically
 * @return {URIjs} the uri with the queries appended
function addQueries(uri, params, toExclude) {
    toExclude = _.isBoolean(toExclude) ? toExclude : true;
    var excludes = ["key", "secret", "proxy"];
    for (var key in params) {
        // ignore excludes
        if (toExclude && _.includes(excludes, key)) {
        if (params.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            // remove key if it exists
            uri.addQuery(key, params[key]);
    return uri;

 * Allow 'params' to be optional, thus user can pass 'callback' in its place.
 * @public
 * @param {*} params - user's params
 * @param {Function} [callback] - user's callback
 * @return {Object} args
 * @return {Function} args.callback
 * @return {Function} args.params
function allowOptionalParams(params, callback) {
    if (!callback) {
        callback = params;
        params = { };
    return {
        params: params,
        callback: callback,

 * Return an object with key-value pairs, using keys, from an object
 * @param {Object|Object[]} sources - object(s) to look for the properties
 * @param {Array} keys - an array of keys of the properties to look up
 * @param {Object} [dest] - destination object
 * @return {Object} options
function getOptions(sources, keys, dest) {
    var options = dest || { };

    // allow source be an array
    if (!_.isArray(sources)) {
        sources = [ sources ];

    // using the keys for lookup
    keys.forEach(function(key) {
        // from each source
        sources.forEach(function(source) {
            if (source && source[key]) {
                options[key] = source[key];

    return options;

 * Return an object with options required to instantiate URI.
 * @param {Object|Object[]} sources - objects to look for the properties
 * @param {Object} [dest] - destination object
 * @return {Object} options
function getURIOptions(sources, dest) {
    return getOptions(sources, uriKeys, dest);

 * Delete keys from objects
 * @param {Object[]} args
 * @param {String|String[]} keys
function removeOptions(args, keys) {
    if (!_.isArray(keys)) {
        keys = [ keys ];
    for (var index = 0; index < args.length; index++) {
        var arg = args[index];
        for (var key in arg) {
            if (_.includes(keys, key)) {
                delete arg[key];

 * Remove all options applicable for creating a new URI instance
 * @param {...Object} objects - objects to modify
function removeURIOptions() {
    return removeOptions(arguments, uriKeys);

 * Remove all options applicable for signing requests
 * @param {...Object} objects - objects to modify
function removeAuthOptions() {
    return removeOptions(arguments, authKeys);

 * Return an object with authentication options from an object
 * @param {Object|Object[]} sources - objects to look for the properties
 * @param {Object} [dest] - destination object
 * @return {Object} options
function getAuthOptions(sources, dest) {
    return getOptions(sources, authKeys, dest);

 * Return an object with poller options from sources
 * @param  {Object|Object[]} sources
 * @param  {Object} [dest]
 * @return {Object} options
function getPollerOptions(sources, dest) {
    return getOptions(sources, pollerKeys, dest);

 * Pick out parameters
 * @param  {Object} params
 * @return {Object} cleaner params
function pickParams(params, keys) {
    params = _.cloneDeep(params);
    // decamelize all options
    for (var key in params) {
        var value = params[key];
        delete params[key];
        key = decamelize(key, "_");
        params[key] = value;
    if (SETTINGS.enforce_params_filter) {
        return _.pick(params, keys);
    return params;